
Chinese owl

Pom Judging

Dan and a Indian Fantail

ET judging

Modena judging

Pigeon friends

American Fantails

Indian fantail judging

Indian fantail club of America

Pigeon Legends

Pouter judging

Very nice ASR

Pigeon judging

Charlie and the Horsemen

WOE judging by Tapia

ET judging

Guests at the show


Storage time

Raffle time

ET friends. Photo by Bob

Pigeon friends at the Banquet

Pigeons friends

Pigeon Friends

LAPC members supporting the Great Western

Dennis Soares as Manny R at the Banquet.

Turkish tumblers. Thank You John DeCarlo Jr

Fixing a fantail

American Fantail

Pomeranian pouter

Photo booth

Frank judging at the show

Banquet after the show

Show hall

Family oriented show. The backbone of every show is a great supporting team

ET champ at the Great Western

Jayson helping Mr Heppner at the 2013 NPA Nationals

Jr and Sr

John at the Floridas NPA Grand Nationals

African Owl by DeCarlo Jr

English Trumpeter by Heppner and friends

German Beauty Homer by Heppner

English Carrier by Heppner

Great Western pigeon show



Contact information about our club and the Great Western

ASR men

Great Western show room

Santa Clara Valley Pigeon Club